IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids
31 October – 3 November 2023 // Glasgow, Scotland

Welcome to IEEE SmartGridComm 2023

News and Announcements

SmartGridComm2023 Best Paper Awards

We successfully concluded the 14th IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids 2023 in Glasgow, UK. We are pleased to acknowledge the outstanding papers and students in our community. The technical committee has recognized two best paper awards from the 150 main track submissions, and big congratulations to the winners: 

  1. "Electrolyzer Scheduling for Nordic FCR Services" by Marco Saretta, Enrica Raheli, and Jalal Kazempour from DTU - Technical University of Denmark.
  2. "Equitable Dynamic Electricity Pricing through Implicitly Constrained Dual and Subgradient Methods" by E Balogun, S Martin, A Degleris, and Ram Rajagopal from Stanford University.

We have also granted three IEEE Comsoc travel grants, and we extend our congratulations to the recipients:

  1. Jie Liu from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen.
  2. Jin-Xian Liu from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.
  3. Afroz Mokarim from the University of Genoa.

Next year, the conference will be organised by the University of Oslo, Norway. Please check the website for key dates and call for papers/tutorials/workshops.

Final Pogram

The pdf version of the final program SmartGridComm2023 can be already downloaded. We will see you in Glasgow, thanks.

Final Program SmartGridComm2023

Confirmed Keynotes Announcement – IEEE SmartGridComm 2023 Conference in Glasgow, UK

The IEEE SmartGridComm 2023 Conference, to be held in beautiful Glasgow, UK, will be featuring an exceptional lineup of distinguished keynote speakers (in alphabetic order)


Prof Claudio Cañizares
University of Waterloo,
Mr Nigel Nawacki
Nokia UK Ltd,
Reading, UK
Dr Francesco Pititto 
CTO, Energy -
Dell Technologies
Dr Jacqueline Redmond
Executive Director, PNDC, 
Glasgow, UK


Each speaker has made significant contributions to the field of smart grid and energy systems, and their talks are expected to provide valuable perspectives on the future of sustainable energy, grid resilience, and innovative technologies. 

The IEEE SmartGridComm 2023 Conference will undoubtedly be a platform for fruitful discussions, collaborations, and networking within the smart grid community. Please save the dates (Oct. 31-Nov 3, 2023) and make sure to attend their keynote talks.


Call for Technical Panel Sessions

IEEE SmartGridComm 2023 soliciting proposal for panels or special sessions to complement the SmartGridcomm 2023 scientific program. The standard formats for events are the following. 4 or 5 experts will be invited and each will give a 10-minute position statement presentation. After all panelists give their short presentations, a moderator may ask several questions to the panelists before conducting a Q&A session with the audience. All organizers and speakers are expected to be physically present in Glasgow. Successful panelist will receive a single day registration waiver.

Name, affiliation, and email address of the organizer/moderator and of proposed speakers Brief biography of the organizer/moderator


Welcome to IEEE SmartGridComm 2023 in Glasgow


Welcome to IEEE SmartGridComm 2023!

The Organizing Committee is pleased to invite your participation in the 14th IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm 2023). This conference aims to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, government institutions, and regulators with background in communications, energy, control, signal processing, analytics and information systems to exchange ideas, explore enabling technologies and share experiences related to smart grids.

We look forward to sharing the innovative technologies and approaches being used to enable two-way energy and information flow, faster fault isolation and power outages restoration, renewable energy integration and consumer energy optimization tools as well as other smart grid applications.



IEEE SmartGridComm2023 would like to thank the support of the following organisations for their contributions to the success of the conference:


Power Networks Demonstration Centre (PNDC):


Host institution: University of Strathclyde, Glasgow

Conference supporter: Glasgow Convention Bureau


