IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids
31 October – 3 November 2023 // Glasgow, Scotland

Call for Tutorial Proposals

Tutorial proposals in the area of smart grid communications are invited. Tutorials shall address topics relevant to one or more of the technical symposia of SmartGridComm2023, and we specially encourage tutorials related to the theme of the conference and to new and emerging topics. Tutorials that include case studies, practical experiences as well as new education methodologies relevant to the conference topics, are particularly welcome.  

Tutorials will be held during the SmartGridComm-2023 conference in Glasgow, United Kingdom. Tutorials will last 3 hours.  

Submission Procedure 

Tutorial proposals should include the following information: 

  • Title of the tutorial 

  • The rationale for the tutorial including: 

  • Motivation and importance: Why is the tutorial appropriate to IEEE SmartGridComm-2023? 

  • timeliness 

  • novelty 

  • Description of the content of the tutorial outlining the topics and subtopics covered 

  • Presenter name(s), contact information, short biography (max. 200 words), a summary of presenters’ previous tutorial delivery experience 

  • A statement of any previous or related versions of this tutorial. 

The tutorial proposal should not exceed three pages. 

Important dates 

Tutorial Proposal Deadline:  March 30, 2023 

Notification of Acceptance: April 15, 2023 

The tutorial proposals should be emailed to the tutorial chair ( as a single PDF document  by the deadline. 

Tutorial Chair: 

Dr Vladimir Stankovic, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow 
