IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids
31 October – 3 November 2023 // Glasgow, Scotland

Call for Technical Panel Sessions

Call for Technical Panel Sessions

IEEE SmartGridComm 2023 soliciting proposal for panels or special sessions to complement the SmartGridcomm 2023 scientific program. The standard formats for events are the following. 4 or 5 experts will be invited and each will give a 10-minute position statement presentation. After all panelists give their short presentations, a moderator may ask several questions to the panelists before conducting a Q&A session with the audience. All organizers and speakers are expected to be physically present in Glasgow. Successful panelist will receive a single day registration waiver.

Name, affiliation, and email address of the organizer/moderator and of proposed speakers Brief biography of the organizer/moderator
